Baby Name Rankings of Leif

Leif: Statistics About The Baby Name Leif

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20238602780.0152% ***
20228412880.0155% ***
20219922190.0118% ***
20209102450.0133% ***
20179522170.0111% ***
20169662130.0106% ***
20149982050.0101% ***
1987953980.0050% ***
19868511140.0059% ***
19858691090.0057% ***
19848321110.0059% ***
19837431350.0073% ***
19826761650.0088% ***
19817011530.0082% ***
19806631690.0091% ***
19796371810.0101% ***
19787621230.0072% ***
1977945820.0048% ***
1976880900.0055% ***
19757981090.0067% ***
1974817970.0060% ***
1973821940.0058% ***
19727591100.0066% ***
19717681140.0063% ***
19706541570.0083% ***
19696791350.0074% ***
19687431010.0057% ***
1967761950.0053% ***
1966853730.0040% ***
1965812830.0044% ***
1964857790.0039% ***
1963819860.0042% ***
1962890740.0035% ***
1961872770.0036% ***
1960868770.0036% ***
1959986610.0028% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.