Baby Name Rankings of Leeroy

Leeroy: Statistics About The Baby Name Leeroy

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1950984500.0027% ***
1947944560.0030% ***
1946873570.0035% ***
1945772640.0047% ***
1944812600.0043% ***
1943917530.0037% ***
1942906540.0038% ***
1941871530.0042% ***
1940833570.0048% ***
1939743660.0058% ***
1938789610.0054% ***
1937738680.0062% ***
1936724690.0065% ***
1935773640.0060% ***
1934802600.0057% ***
1933653800.0079% ***
1932684810.0076% ***
1931868540.0051% ***
1930703790.0070% ***
1929696790.0071% ***
1928671890.0078% ***
1927664930.0080% ***
1926696830.0073% ***
1925779720.0063% ***
1924783740.0063% ***
1923732800.0071% ***
1922708850.0076% ***
1921692890.0078% ***
1920741780.0071% ***
1919724770.0076% ***
1918782700.0067% ***
1917906500.0052% ***
1916968440.0048% ***
1914942350.0051% ***
1912925240.0053% ***
1907908100.0063% ***
1906830100.0069% ***
190597280.0056% ***
1903759100.0077% ***
1900825110.0068% ***
189387870.0058% ***
188899560.0046% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.