Baby Name Rankings of Leeann

Leeann: Statistics About The Baby Name Leeann

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1998*** 9822060.0106%
1996*** 9891910.0100%
1994*** 9681920.0099%
1993*** 9112110.0107%
1992*** 8812240.0112%
1991*** 8982170.0107%
1990*** 8142420.0118%
1989*** 7622560.0129%
1988*** 6702870.0150%
1987*** 6842710.0145%
1986*** 6582800.0152%
1985*** 6972500.0136%
1984*** 6582660.0148%
1983*** 6382680.0150%
1982*** 6112950.0163%
1981*** 5673250.0182%
1980*** 6412840.0160%
1979*** 5443440.0200%
1978*** 7881910.0116%
1977*** 7741950.0119%
1976*** 7332010.0128%
1975*** 7032110.0135%
1974*** 7082070.0132%
1973*** 6962150.0138%
1972*** 6892130.0132%
1971*** 6462530.0145%
1970*** 5862990.0163%
1969*** 5673010.0171%
1968*** 5573040.0178%
1967*** 5892640.0154%
1966*** 5802630.0150%
1965*** 5483010.0165%
1964*** 5732940.0150%
1963*** 5293380.0170%
1962*** 5163580.0177%
1961*** 5413320.0160%
1960*** 5742950.0142%
1959*** 6612300.0111%
1958*** 6732170.0105%
1957*** 6482290.0109%
1956*** 7501680.0082%
1955*** 7771520.0076%
1954*** 9081130.0057%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.