Baby Name Rankings of Leatha

Leatha: Statistics About The Baby Name Leatha

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1945*** 947660.0049%
1944*** 951670.0049%
1943*** 899750.0052%
1941*** 828770.0062%
1940*** 887650.0055%
1938*** 848700.0061%
1937*** 851660.0060%
1936*** 772770.0071%
1935*** 835680.0063%
1934*** 712880.0081%
1933*** 732810.0077%
1932*** 787750.0068%
1931*** 718880.0080%
1930*** 931620.0053%
1929*** 804770.0067%
1928*** 802800.0067%
1927*** 732960.0078%
1926*** 734980.0080%
1925*** 7301020.0081%
1924*** 7171080.0083%
1923*** 7281000.0080%
1922*** 7211020.0082%
1921*** 6461320.0103%
1920*** 6671180.0095%
1919*** 6781070.0091%
1918*** 6321260.0105%
1917*** 6401130.0101%
1916*** 5691380.0127%
1915*** 6041180.0115%
1914*** 668760.0096%
1913*** 566820.0126%
1912*** 532840.0144%
1911*** 589530.0120%
1910*** 529600.0143%
1909*** 557480.0131%
1908*** 549460.0130%
1907*** 515490.0145%
1906*** 551410.0131%
1905*** 453560.0181%
1904*** 573350.0120%
1903*** 454500.0180%
1902*** 551350.0125%
1901*** 493380.0149%
1900*** 409670.0211%
1899*** 587280.0113%
1898*** 515370.0135%
1897*** 461410.0165%
1896*** 455410.0163%
1895*** 507340.0138%
1894*** 460370.0157%
1893*** 481320.0142%
1892*** 630210.0093%
1891*** 654170.0086%
1890*** 488290.0144%
1889*** 494260.0137%
1888*** 818110.0058%
1887*** 504200.0129%
1886*** 713110.0072%
1885*** 717100.0070%
1884*** 710100.0073%
1883*** 599110.0092%
1882*** 97850.0043%
1881*** 523110.0111%
1880*** 79860.0061%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.