Baby Name Rankings of Leanne

Leanne: Statistics About The Baby Name Leanne

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1999*** 8792430.0125%
1998*** 7802760.0143%
1997*** 7342910.0153%
1996*** 7982590.0135%
1995*** 6793140.0164%
1994*** 6553280.0168%
1993*** 5684180.0212%
1992*** 5704090.0204%
1991*** 5234470.0220%
1990*** 5334450.0217%
1989*** 4585270.0265%
1988*** 4335230.0273%
1987*** 4524880.0261%
1986*** 3995640.0306%
1985*** 3915730.0311%
1984*** 3795970.0332%
1983*** 3735990.0335%
1982*** 4035750.0317%
1981*** 3716310.0353%
1980*** 3466820.0384%
1979*** 3596300.0366%
1978*** 4674230.0258%
1977*** 4933860.0235%
1976*** 4684060.0259%
1975*** 4274650.0298%
1974*** 4494100.0262%
1973*** 3855340.0344%
1972*** 3955180.0321%
1971*** 3786080.0347%
1970*** 3616830.0373%
1969*** 3218000.0454%
1968*** 3267160.0419%
1967*** 3306990.0407%
1966*** 3207660.0436%
1965*** 3317380.0404%
1964*** 3557030.0359%
1963*** 3666830.0344%
1962*** 3596940.0342%
1961*** 3736640.0320%
1960*** 3866010.0289%
1959*** 3875970.0287%
1958*** 4374680.0227%
1957*** 4494410.0210%
1956*** 4364450.0216%
1955*** 4673750.0187%
1954*** 4943220.0162%
1953*** 5023000.0156%
1952*** 5762270.0119%
1951*** 5832160.0117%
1950*** 6031930.0110%
1949*** 6171800.0103%
1948*** 6491650.0095%
1947*** 7111430.0079%
1946*** 7341220.0076%
1945*** 7291050.0078%
1944*** 7601010.0074%
1943*** 813900.0063%
1942*** 7531010.0073%
1941*** 842750.0060%
1940*** 798790.0067%
1939*** 899610.0054%
1938*** 959550.0048%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.