Baby Name Rankings of Leandro

Leandro: Statistics About The Baby Name Leandro

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20235265610.0306% ***
20225465390.0289% ***
20216054550.0245% ***
20206454150.0225% ***
20196154400.0231% ***
20186913490.0181% ***
20177183330.0170% ***
20166893580.0177% ***
20157822980.0147% ***
20147842930.0144% ***
20137862840.0142% ***
20128212670.0133% ***
20118352570.0128% ***
20108082630.0129% ***
20098732390.0114% ***
20089102220.0103% ***
20078632370.0109% ***
20068642270.0105% ***
20058802040.0098% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.