Baby Name Rankings of Leamon

Leamon: Statistics About The Baby Name Leamon

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1941971440.0035% ***
1940956450.0038% ***
1939927460.0041% ***
1938916480.0042% ***
1937871500.0046% ***
1935936460.0043% ***
1934832570.0054% ***
1933881500.0049% ***
1931975460.0043% ***
1930971490.0043% ***
1929931530.0048% ***
1928984490.0043% ***
1927966520.0045% ***
1926987490.0043% ***
1925963500.0043% ***
1924880620.0053% ***
1923955520.0046% ***
1922984520.0046% ***
1921871640.0056% ***
1920849640.0058% ***
1919875580.0057% ***
1918926520.0050% ***
1914922360.0053% ***
1911953130.0054% ***
1910962120.0058% ***
190899190.0054% ***
1907760130.0082% ***
190597180.0056% ***
189191260.0055% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.