Baby Name Rankings of Lazaro

Lazaro: Statistics About The Baby Name Lazaro

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
19969801280.0064% ***
19949911260.0062% ***
19939461290.0063% ***
19929621250.0060% ***
19909911140.0053% ***
1988972990.0050% ***
19879441000.0051% ***
19868451150.0060% ***
19858021220.0064% ***
19848571060.0057% ***
19838591040.0056% ***
19828151180.0063% ***
1981901980.0053% ***
1980903980.0053% ***
1974889830.0051% ***
1973966700.0043% ***
1972969700.0042% ***
1971907800.0044% ***
1969992600.0033% ***
1968996550.0031% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.