Baby Name Rankings of Layton

Layton: Statistics About The Baby Name Layton

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20236114560.0249% ***
20226374330.0232% ***
20216304350.0234% ***
20206194370.0237% ***
20195764800.0251% ***
20186583820.0198% ***
20177273270.0167% ***
20166364170.0207% ***
20155445200.0257% ***
20146434060.0200% ***
20137173220.0161% ***
20126133990.0199% ***
20116243750.0186% ***
20106413730.0183% ***
20096883490.0167% ***
20087772810.0131% ***
20077622840.0130% ***
20067172970.0138% ***
20057792480.0119% ***
20049401760.0085% ***
20038921880.0090% ***
20028911810.0088% ***
20019311660.0081% ***
1945980430.0031% ***
1936990410.0039% ***
1925978490.0043% ***
1924991510.0044% ***
1918959490.0047% ***
1907907100.0063% ***
189686280.0062% ***
188195350.0046% ***
188099950.0042% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.