Baby Name Rankings of Layne

Layne: Statistics About The Baby Name Layne

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20236494190.0229% 9682650.0151%
20226624100.0220% 9212920.0164%
20216404290.0231% 8283320.0187%
20206673920.0213% 9262780.0158%
20196833720.0195% ***
20186943460.0179% ***
20176963530.0180% ***
20167243370.0167% ***
20157123460.0171% ***
20146314140.0204% ***
20136154000.0200% ***
20125944250.0211% ***
20115794300.0214% ***
20106084080.0201% ***
20096543760.0179% ***
20086193940.0183% ***
20076653550.0163% ***
20066913190.0148% ***
20056593180.0152% ***
20046453150.0151% ***
20036173350.0160% ***
20026872630.0128% ***
20018221990.0097% ***
20007762130.0102% ***
19997552110.0104% ***
19987352210.0109% ***
19976932300.0115% ***
19967082230.0111% ***
19957162210.0110% ***
19949261410.0069% ***
1970899800.0042% ***
1969809910.0050% ***
1968770930.0052% ***
1967821770.0043% ***
1966838760.0042% ***
1965805850.0045% ***
19647561030.0051% ***
19637591030.0050% ***
19626621380.0066% ***
19617431080.0050% ***
19606361500.0069% ***
19595601920.0089% ***
1958800880.0041% ***
19577281060.0049% ***
1956883720.0034% ***
1955845760.0036% ***
1954816790.0038% ***
1953864690.0035% ***
1952811750.0038% ***
1951810750.0039% ***
1950971510.0028% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.