Baby Name Rankings of Lawson

Lawson: Statistics About The Baby Name Lawson

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20234147680.0419% ***
20224097810.0419% ***
20213628930.0480% ***
20203578670.0470% ***
20193688650.0453% ***
20183798490.0440% ***
20174337080.0361% ***
20164347110.0352% ***
20154386940.0342% ***
20144855740.0283% ***
20135115190.0259% ***
20125314870.0242% ***
20115824290.0213% ***
20106173980.0196% ***
20096383880.0185% ***
20087033290.0153% ***
20076483690.0169% ***
20066733320.0154% ***
20056922930.0140% ***
20047262580.0124% ***
20038082140.0102% ***
20028431960.0095% ***
20019801560.0076% ***
20009611570.0075% ***
1948874610.0034% ***
1947958550.0030% ***
1946939510.0031% ***
1944861540.0039% ***
1943900550.0038% ***
1942821630.0045% ***
1941835580.0046% ***
1939798590.0052% ***
1938844550.0048% ***
1937960430.0039% ***
1936968420.0040% ***
1935886510.0048% ***
1934935460.0043% ***
1933890490.0048% ***
1932897520.0048% ***
1931964470.0044% ***
1930933520.0046% ***
1929830620.0056% ***
1928919540.0047% ***
1927843640.0055% ***
1926789690.0060% ***
1925847620.0054% ***
1924782740.0063% ***
1923747770.0068% ***
1922760770.0068% ***
1921880630.0055% ***
1920687870.0079% ***
1919718780.0077% ***
1918720790.0075% ***
1917675790.0082% ***
1916820580.0063% ***
1915752640.0073% ***
1914708540.0079% ***
1913655470.0088% ***
1912730350.0078% ***
1911658230.0095% ***
1910804150.0072% ***
1909869120.0068% ***
1908804120.0072% ***
1907576190.0120% ***
1906579170.0118% ***
1905605160.0112% ***
1904448230.0166% ***
1903680120.0093% ***
1902483200.0151% ***
1901402220.0190% ***
1900612170.0105% ***
1899641110.0095% ***
1898559150.0114% ***
189776190.0074% ***
1896658120.0093% ***
189577190.0071% ***
1894452190.0152% ***
189380380.0066% ***
1892409220.0167% ***
1891489140.0128% ***
1890450170.0142% ***
1889569120.0101% ***
1888425200.0154% ***
1887433160.0146% ***
1886412190.0160% ***
1885565120.0103% ***
1884589110.0090% ***
1883425180.0160% ***
1882395210.0172% ***
1881519120.0111% ***
1880388200.0169% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.