Baby Name Rankings of Laurie

Laurie: Statistics About The Baby Name Laurie

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1994*** 9611930.0099%
1993*** 9432000.0102%
1992*** 7682700.0135%
1991*** 6853130.0154%
1990*** 6493440.0168%
1989*** 5194490.0226%
1988*** 4794750.0248%
1987*** 4315190.0277%
1986*** 3925870.0319%
1985*** 3097820.0424%
1984*** 2938140.0452%
1983*** 2479540.0534%
1982*** 2201,1820.0653%
1981*** 2141,2240.0685%
1980*** 1951,3360.0751%
1979*** 1761,5800.0918%
1978*** 1691,6140.0983%
1977*** 1551,7630.1073%
1976*** 1372,0390.1298%
1975*** 1242,2870.1467%
1974*** 1162,5560.1633%
1973*** 1062,8920.1862%
1972*** 983,2280.2003%
1971*** 963,7510.2143%
1970*** 884,3870.2397%
1969*** 794,6240.2625%
1968*** 794,3390.2539%
1967*** 724,9240.2869%
1966*** 635,6660.3229%
1965*** 606,5330.3576%
1964*** 597,8370.4006%
1963*** 479,2670.4663%
1962*** 4210,6680.5265%
1961*** 4310,4290.5028%
1960*** 3710,1410.4877%
1959*** 567,5320.3625%
1958*** 706,7290.3260%
1957*** 736,5450.3122%
1956*** 766,1970.3010%
1955*** 904,9460.2469%
1954*** 984,2880.2154%
1953*** 1033,6890.1914%
1952*** 1153,2640.1716%
1951*** 1392,3570.1279%
1950*** 1951,3900.0791%
1949*** 2231,1030.0629%
1948*** 2728030.0461%
1947*** 2737870.0433%
1946*** 2607710.0479%
1945*** 2875890.0438%
1944*** 3703600.0264%
1943*** 4592580.0180%
1942*** 4862320.0167%
1941*** 5201780.0143%
1940*** 5921380.0117%
1939*** 5741370.0121%
1938*** 696980.0086%
1937*** 753820.0074%
1936*** 777760.0071%
1935*** 850660.0061%
1934980430.0041% 799710.0066%
1932*** 984520.0047%
1930*** 902650.0056%
1908*** 955180.0051%
1900823110.0068% ***
1896*** 978120.0048%
1895*** 959120.0049%
189373990.0074% ***
1891*** 822120.0061%
1889*** 99180.0042%
1888*** 99680.0042%
1887*** 82490.0058%
188691160.0050% 94870.0046%
1884*** 81880.0058%
1882*** 97650.0043%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.