Baby Name Rankings of Latoya

Latoya: Statistics About The Baby Name Latoya

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1994*** 8832190.0112%
1993*** 6053810.0194%
1992*** 4345780.0289%
1991*** 3278110.0399%
1990*** 2541,1160.0544%
1989*** 1901,4640.0735%
1988*** 1561,8110.0944%
1987*** 1292,1510.1149%
1986*** 1112,5350.1376%
1985*** 813,3970.1843%
1984*** 605,0440.2802%
1983*** 903,1460.1760%
1982*** 913,1990.1766%
1981*** 694,2670.2390%
1980*** 1232,4980.1405%
1979*** 1491,8790.1092%
1978*** 1342,0410.1243%
1977*** 1252,3170.1410%
1976*** 1362,0490.1305%
1975*** 2041,2020.0771%
1974*** 2659560.0611%
1973*** 4074880.0314%
1972*** 5582960.0184%
1971*** 9081440.0082%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.