Baby Name Rankings of Lane

Lane: Statistics About The Baby Name Lane

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20232541,3710.0749% ***
20222601,3310.0714% ***
20212611,3120.0705% ***
20202561,3670.0741% ***
20192581,3980.0732% ***
20182901,2050.0625% ***
20172971,1760.0599% ***
20162941,2270.0608% ***
20152961,2030.0594% ***
20142951,1890.0586% ***
20133031,1430.0571% ***
20122881,2160.0605% ***
20112701,2840.0638% ***
20103031,0570.0520% ***
20093061,0450.0499% ***
20083191,0390.0483% ***
20073171,0050.0461% ***
20063229790.0454% ***
20053151,0280.0493% ***
20042961,0570.0508% ***
20032731,1290.0541% ***
20022999780.0475% ***
20013098940.0434% ***
20002961,0120.0486% ***
19992969670.0475% ***
19982959530.0471% ***
19972889670.0485% ***
19962611,0690.0534% ***
19952461,1670.0581% ***
19943536890.0339% ***
19935952990.0145% ***
19925972950.0141% ***
19915982890.0137% ***
19905583280.0153% ***
19896452410.0115% ***
19885912480.0124% ***
19876312090.0107% ***
19866032180.0114% ***
19856621770.0092% ***
19846621700.0091% ***
19837361370.0074% ***
19826631730.0092% ***
19816421750.0094% ***
19807261460.0079% ***
19797111460.0082% ***
19787411300.0076% ***
19777411330.0078% ***
19766521570.0096% ***
19756861450.0090% ***
19746481550.0095% ***
19736911340.0083% ***
19726481520.0091% ***
19715931940.0107% ***
19705312310.0121% ***
19694922450.0134% ***
19685152150.0121% ***
19675092180.0123% ***
19665172150.0118% ***
19655082250.0119% ***
19644752780.0137% ***
19635472110.0102% ***
19624812710.0129% ***
19614872620.0122% ***
19604782760.0127% ***
19594333390.0157% ***
19585461990.0093% ***
19575731810.0083% ***
19565371940.0091% ***
19555461830.0088% ***
19545381820.0088% ***
19535271810.0091% ***
19525121860.0094% ***
19514991810.0095% ***
19505391600.0088% ***
19495601450.0081% ***
19486411110.0062% ***
19476411160.0063% ***
19465861200.0073% ***
1945670800.0058% ***
1944691820.0059% ***
1943789690.0048% ***
1942719800.0057% ***
1941741700.0056% ***
1940744680.0057% ***
1939697730.0064% ***
1938685780.0069% ***
1937804590.0054% ***
1936819560.0053% ***
1935740690.0065% ***
1934947450.0042% ***
1933917470.0046% ***
1932866550.0051% ***
1930925530.0047% ***
1929959500.0045% ***
189999460.0052% ***
188290060.0049% ***
188195150.0046% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.