Baby Name Rankings of Landyn

Landyn: Statistics About The Baby Name Landyn

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20238952570.0140% ***
20228003130.0168% ***
20216903820.0205% ***
20206224320.0234% ***
20195634930.0258% ***
20185135470.0284% ***
20175305280.0269% ***
20165255600.0278% ***
20154506720.0332% ***
20144267120.0351% ***
20134147050.0352% ***
20123658250.0411% ***
20113827570.0376% ***
20103717820.0385% ***
20093977450.0355% ***
20083997340.0341% ***
20074825500.0252% ***
20065804170.0193% ***
20057122800.0134% ***
20048342100.0101% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.