Baby Name Rankings of Landry

Landry: Statistics About The Baby Name Landry

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20219892200.0118% 9622690.0151%
20209472310.0125% 8813020.0171%
20199332320.0122% 9122880.0158%
20189242280.0118% 7743510.0190%
20178482580.0131% 7923440.0183%
20168072850.0141% 8583270.0170%
20158582600.0128% 9182970.0153%
20148292700.0133% 9812690.0139%
20137642930.0146% ***
20126693500.0174% 9952520.0131%
20117812840.0141% ***
20108922300.0113% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.