Baby Name Rankings of Kristy

Kristy: Statistics About The Baby Name Kristy

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2000*** 8332680.0135%
1999*** 8252630.0135%
1998*** 7273030.0157%
1997*** 6543370.0177%
1996*** 4914860.0254%
1995*** 4845130.0267%
1994*** 4285860.0301%
1993*** 3696880.0349%
1992*** 3248390.0419%
1991*** 2819890.0487%
1990*** 2481,1350.0553%
1989*** 2241,2190.0612%
1988*** 2051,2780.0666%
1987*** 1811,5110.0807%
1986*** 1581,7830.0968%
1985*** 1452,0220.1097%
1984*** 1352,1550.1197%
1983*** 1332,2410.1254%
1982*** 1042,8400.1568%
1981*** 943,2630.1827%
1980*** 784,0560.2281%
1979*** 564,8760.2833%
1978*** 515,3340.3249%
1977*** 684,0430.2460%
1976*** 1132,3280.1482%
1975*** 1411,9180.1230%
1974*** 1332,0850.1332%
1973*** 1471,8920.1218%
1972*** 1581,8370.1140%
1971*** 1711,8200.1040%
1970*** 1971,6310.0891%
1969*** 2201,3700.0778%
1968*** 2541,0620.0621%
1967*** 3008350.0487%
1966*** 3128000.0456%
1965*** 3237790.0426%
1964*** 3328220.0420%
1963*** 3487410.0373%
1962*** 4135600.0276%
1961*** 4045810.0280%
1960*** 4175360.0258%
1959*** 4324910.0236%
1958*** 4145050.0245%
1957*** 4714050.0193%
1956*** 4863680.0179%
1955*** 5273020.0151%
1954*** 5422670.0134%
1953*** 5152780.0144%
1952*** 4643320.0175%
1951*** 6631730.0094%
1950*** 8441090.0062%
1949*** 966860.0049%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.