Baby Name Rankings of Kristi

Kristi: Statistics About The Baby Name Kristi

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1998*** 8292570.0133%
1997*** 6763200.0168%
1996*** 5744030.0210%
1995*** 5384420.0230%
1994*** 4425710.0293%
1993*** 3906540.0332%
1992*** 3049140.0457%
1991*** 3029170.0451%
1990*** 2691,0420.0508%
1989*** 2331,1750.0590%
1988*** 2111,2320.0642%
1987*** 1951,4200.0759%
1986*** 1681,6190.0879%
1985*** 1631,7460.0947%
1984*** 1591,7700.0983%
1983*** 1541,8660.1044%
1982*** 1402,1410.1182%
1981*** 1292,2090.1237%
1980*** 1222,5220.1419%
1979*** 1092,7970.1625%
1978*** 982,9920.1823%
1977*** 1042,7950.1701%
1976*** 1042,5180.1603%
1975*** 1092,6500.1699%
1974*** 1012,8840.1843%
1973*** 1092,8450.1832%
1972*** 1023,1310.1943%
1971*** 1133,2690.1867%
1970*** 1233,1490.1720%
1969*** 1292,6450.1501%
1968*** 1382,3100.1352%
1967*** 1652,0110.1172%
1966*** 1851,7590.1002%
1965*** 2061,6080.0880%
1964*** 2091,6700.0854%
1963*** 2321,4190.0714%
1962*** 2561,2140.0599%
1961*** 2581,2020.0579%
1960*** 2781,0570.0508%
1959*** 3049100.0438%
1958*** 3178430.0408%
1957*** 3228010.0382%
1956*** 3386690.0325%
1955*** 3575910.0295%
1954*** 4733540.0178%
1953*** 4953090.0160%
1952*** 4942900.0152%
1951*** 4942750.0149%
1950*** 6621670.0095%
1949*** 6481640.0093%
1948*** 7811210.0069%
1947*** 8371100.0061%
1946*** 7801120.0070%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.