Baby Name Rankings of Kory

Kory: Statistics About The Baby Name Kory

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20039621670.0080% ***
20029711620.0079% ***
20018082060.0100% ***
20007372330.0112% ***
19996862450.0120% ***
19986222950.0146% ***
19975853110.0156% ***
19965563320.0166% ***
19955303650.0182% ***
19945064020.0198% ***
19934834340.0210% ***
19924714590.0219% ***
19914035650.0267% ***
19903865980.0278% ***
19893736010.0287% ***
19883605690.0285% ***
19873715200.0267% ***
19863964560.0238% ***
19854254080.0212% ***
19844543380.0180% ***
19834723150.0169% ***
19824743170.0168% ***
19814653190.0172% ***
19804733160.0171% ***
19794752990.0167% ***
19784613020.0177% ***
19774343350.0196% ***
19764802730.0167% ***
19755012550.0157% ***
19745292260.0139% ***
19735582020.0125% ***
19725582060.0123% ***
19715672060.0114% ***
19705462200.0116% ***
19695462070.0113% ***
19686901200.0068% ***
1967778880.0049% ***
1966831770.0042% ***
19657271050.0055% ***
1964893730.0036% ***
1963837820.0040% ***
1962866770.0037% ***
1961959640.0030% ***
1960991600.0028% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.