Baby Name Rankings of Korbin

Korbin: Statistics About The Baby Name Korbin

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20229422420.0130% ***
20218592710.0146% ***
20207093530.0191% ***
20196903660.0192% ***
20186633790.0196% ***
20175974530.0231% ***
20166084410.0219% ***
20155944600.0227% ***
20145125400.0266% ***
20135274990.0249% ***
20125594620.0230% ***
20115284750.0236% ***
20106203950.0194% ***
20097393110.0148% ***
20087053260.0152% ***
20076363760.0172% ***
20067992520.0117% ***
20057982370.0114% ***
20047102660.0128% ***
20037752250.0108% ***
20028162050.0100% ***
20018971750.0085% ***
20009601570.0075% ***
19998731730.0085% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.