Baby Name Rankings of Kole

Kole: Statistics About The Baby Name Kole

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20239782240.0122% ***
20218582710.0146% ***
20208512670.0145% ***
20198152780.0146% ***
20187722990.0155% ***
20177603080.0157% ***
20167982910.0144% ***
20157653100.0153% ***
20147912880.0142% ***
20137283180.0159% ***
20127083310.0165% ***
20116713490.0173% ***
20105834280.0210% ***
20095974280.0204% ***
20086683560.0166% ***
20076353760.0172% ***
20066503490.0162% ***
20055963720.0178% ***
20046243320.0160% ***
20036343210.0154% ***
20026113270.0159% ***
20016462890.0140% ***
20006862570.0123% ***
19996672550.0125% ***
19987472150.0106% ***
19977442020.0101% ***
19968821550.0077% ***
19958571600.0080% ***
19949391380.0068% ***
19939671240.0060% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.