Baby Name Rankings of Kody

Kody: Statistics About The Baby Name Kody

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20239952200.0120% ***
20219792240.0120% ***
20209552290.0124% ***
20198342680.0140% ***
20188912420.0125% ***
20178282670.0136% ***
20168312720.0135% ***
20157703060.0151% ***
20147313240.0160% ***
20137273180.0159% ***
20126933380.0168% ***
20116283690.0183% ***
20106343790.0186% ***
20095964280.0204% ***
20085804350.0202% ***
20075184970.0228% ***
20064945180.0240% ***
20054765180.0248% ***
20044106280.0302% ***
20034156210.0297% ***
20023946590.0320% ***
20013707160.0347% ***
20003497820.0376% ***
19993577310.0359% ***
19983348100.0400% ***
19972839860.0494% ***
19962701,0420.0521% ***
19952571,0920.0544% ***
19942481,1630.0571% ***
19932441,1690.0567% ***
19922531,1460.0547% ***
19912729800.0463% ***
19903058330.0388% ***
19893556410.0306% ***
19883625570.0279% ***
19874174380.0225% ***
19864853260.0170% ***
19855003030.0158% ***
19845702210.0118% ***
19836751600.0086% ***
19827271430.0076% ***
19818651050.0057% ***
1980959880.0048% ***
1979990800.0045% ***
1978904910.0053% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.