Baby Name Rankings of Kinsley

Kinsley: Statistics About The Baby Name Kinsley

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 683,1880.1823%
2022*** 613,6790.2062%
2021*** 573,8710.2175%
2020*** 593,7610.2134%
2019*** 743,4930.1916%
2018*** 633,8560.2089%
2017*** 594,0350.2152%
2016*** 873,3660.1745%
2015*** 1132,7620.1427%
2014*** 1322,4290.1253%
2013*** 1611,9690.1031%
2012*** 1791,7430.0907%
2011*** 2171,4530.0757%
2010*** 3071,0370.0534%
2009*** 4287360.0368%
2008*** 5665370.0261%
2007*** 7503830.0184%
2006*** 8762990.0145%
2005*** 9462560.0129%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.