Baby Name Rankings of Killian

Killian: Statistics About The Baby Name Killian

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20233668830.0482% ***
20223648990.0482% ***
20213479310.0500% ***
20203528970.0486% ***
20193101,0860.0569% ***
20182861,2240.0635% ***
20172491,4910.0759% ***
20162641,3790.0683% ***
20153489680.0478% ***
20145165350.0264% ***
20137662920.0146% ***
20128202670.0133% ***
20117562950.0147% ***
20107652900.0143% ***
20097513020.0144% ***
20087942730.0127% ***
20078362510.0115% ***
19989961370.0068% ***
19979361440.0072% ***
19969101450.0072% ***
19959551350.0067% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.