Baby Name Rankings of Khalid

Khalid: Statistics About The Baby Name Khalid

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20229592350.0126% ***
20218882590.0139% ***
20208992500.0136% ***
20198212730.0143% ***
20188402630.0136% ***
20178582530.0129% ***
20169132350.0116% ***
20149532200.0108% ***
20039481710.0082% ***
20027782210.0107% ***
20017162460.0119% ***
20007832100.0101% ***
19998781720.0085% ***
19988081870.0092% ***
19979101500.0075% ***
19968281730.0086% ***
19957382120.0106% ***
19947212110.0104% ***
1979903940.0053% ***
19788411040.0061% ***
1977985760.0045% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.