Baby Name Rankings of Kenzie

Kenzie: Statistics About The Baby Name Kenzie

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 5645230.0299%
2022*** 5195950.0333%
2021*** 4636710.0377%
2020*** 3708350.0474%
2019*** 3947790.0427%
2018*** 3568830.0478%
2017*** 3708350.0445%
2016*** 3349860.0511%
2015*** 2771,1360.0587%
2014*** 2441,3170.0679%
2013*** 2551,2310.0645%
2012*** 2701,1980.0623%
2011*** 3081,0160.0529%
2010*** 3728470.0436%
2009*** 4496930.0346%
2008*** 4736630.0323%
2007*** 4956460.0310%
2006*** 5575190.0252%
2005*** 5784870.0244%
2004*** 6414200.0211%
2003*** 6623990.0200%
2002*** 6583840.0195%
2001*** 7653110.0158%
2000*** 6863450.0173%
1999*** 6963230.0166%
1998*** 7053140.0162%
1997*** 8162530.0133%
1996*** 8262440.0127%
1995*** 9821910.0100%
1994*** 8732250.0116%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.