Baby Name Rankings of Kenyon

Kenyon: Statistics About The Baby Name Kenyon

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20099212220.0106% ***
20088482500.0116% ***
20077922680.0123% ***
20066993090.0143% ***
20056623160.0151% ***
20048482050.0099% ***
20037112610.0125% ***
20027042530.0123% ***
20007702150.0103% ***
19999831450.0071% ***
19989881390.0069% ***
19979751340.0067% ***
199410001230.0060% ***
1984978830.0044% ***
19821000820.0044% ***
1981926950.0051% ***
1980909960.0052% ***
19797831220.0068% ***
19787141390.0082% ***
19776931500.0088% ***
19766881450.0089% ***
19756961420.0088% ***
19746991390.0085% ***
1973811950.0059% ***
19727991000.0060% ***
1971934760.0042% ***
1970968690.0036% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.