Baby Name Rankings of Kent

Kent: Statistics About The Baby Name Kent

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20038831910.0091% ***
20029481680.0082% ***
20018871770.0086% ***
20007692150.0103% ***
19998021910.0094% ***
19987232270.0112% ***
19976802390.0120% ***
19966502560.0128% ***
19957052270.0113% ***
19945983010.0148% ***
19935603310.0160% ***
19925283660.0175% ***
19915263650.0172% ***
19904883940.0183% ***
19894484360.0208% ***
19884204590.0230% ***
19874144440.0228% ***
19863914660.0243% ***
19853495310.0276% ***
19843425470.0292% ***
19833345560.0299% ***
19823385550.0295% ***
19813515000.0269% ***
19803564960.0268% ***
19793634820.0270% ***
19783454980.0292% ***
19773584840.0284% ***
19763385080.0312% ***
19753405020.0310% ***
19743125870.0361% ***
19732637320.0454% ***
19722547830.0468% ***
19712359990.0551% ***
19702161,1510.0605% ***
19692031,2210.0668% ***
19681941,2180.0686% ***
19671811,3950.0785% ***
19661711,5670.0863% ***
19651611,8450.0974% ***
19641462,2440.1108% ***
19631402,4030.1164% ***
19621362,5780.1227% ***
19611472,3710.1102% ***
19601472,4020.1110% ***
19591412,4620.1137% ***
19581442,4000.1116% ***
19571502,2950.1050% ***
19561492,1330.0996% ***
19551551,8490.0886% ***
19541671,7250.0835% ***
19531661,6340.0818% ***
19521641,6120.0817% ***
19511811,3250.0696% ***
19501801,2300.0676% ***
19491941,0650.0593% ***
19481941,0240.0576% ***
19471851,1140.0602% ***
19461948870.0540% ***
19452017160.0523% ***
19442007440.0537% ***
19432008050.0556% ***
19422117180.0510% ***
19412036750.0539% ***
19402175780.0487% ***
19392354960.0437% ***
19382654340.0382% ***
19372724050.0371% ***
19362564360.0410% ***
19352903500.0328% ***
19343482500.0236% ***
19333861970.0193% ***
19323882080.0194% ***
19314271770.0166% ***
19304581680.0149% ***
19295011370.0124% ***
19285391280.0112% ***
19275541240.0107% ***
19265501230.0108% ***
19255671190.0103% ***
1924693890.0076% ***
19236461000.0088% ***
1922659960.0085% ***
1921791730.0064% ***
1920678890.0081% ***
1919817650.0064% ***
1918915530.0050% ***
1917852570.0059% ***
1916803590.0064% ***
1915923460.0052% ***
1913812350.0065% ***
1912953230.0051% ***
1911744190.0079% ***
1909820130.0074% ***
1908918100.0060% ***
190396370.0054% ***
189380180.0066% ***
189180870.0064% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.