Baby Name Rankings of Kendrick

Kendrick: Statistics About The Baby Name Kendrick

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20234796300.0344% ***
20224646600.0354% ***
20214297180.0386% ***
20204276910.0375% ***
20194257160.0375% ***
20184187440.0386% ***
20174067720.0393% ***
20163858260.0409% ***
20153668700.0429% ***
20143341,0050.0495% ***
20133171,0420.0521% ***
20124755700.0284% ***
20115214880.0242% ***
20105264880.0240% ***
20095374880.0233% ***
20085225130.0239% ***
20075524590.0211% ***
20065274730.0219% ***
20055534270.0205% ***
20045174590.0221% ***
20034775250.0251% ***
20024934670.0227% ***
20014864700.0228% ***
20004565170.0248% ***
19994265540.0272% ***
19984175610.0277% ***
19974125630.0282% ***
19964075690.0284% ***
19954055640.0281% ***
19943756230.0306% ***
19933736310.0306% ***
19923526760.0323% ***
19913297630.0360% ***
19903397280.0339% ***
19893287050.0337% ***
19883346430.0322% ***
19873236400.0329% ***
19863365740.0299% ***
19853864620.0241% ***
19843724720.0252% ***
19833724660.0251% ***
19823575000.0266% ***
19813714710.0253% ***
19803674690.0253% ***
19793325490.0307% ***
19783464940.0290% ***
19773614730.0277% ***
19763794130.0253% ***
19754013650.0225% ***
19744043700.0227% ***
19734093630.0225% ***
19724543020.0181% ***
19714173700.0204% ***
19705392250.0118% ***
19697041240.0068% ***
19687281060.0060% ***
1967754960.0054% ***
1966875690.0038% ***
1965921650.0034% ***
1964965630.0031% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.