Baby Name Rankings of Kendra

Kendra: Statistics About The Baby Name Kendra

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 7413770.0216%
2022*** 7034160.0233%
2021*** 6494560.0256%
2020*** 5525370.0305%
2019*** 5865180.0284%
2018*** 4976220.0337%
2017*** 4317340.0391%
2016*** 3479580.0497%
2015*** 3429550.0494%
2014*** 2591,2620.0651%
2013*** 1871,7130.0897%
2012*** 3877970.0415%
2011*** 2931,0580.0551%
2010*** 2061,4840.0764%
2009*** 2391,3770.0688%
2008*** 2361,4340.0698%
2007*** 2021,6780.0805%
2006*** 2431,3800.0671%
2005*** 2641,2190.0612%
2004*** 2691,1850.0597%
2003*** 2591,2290.0616%
2002*** 2271,3820.0703%
2001*** 2121,4900.0755%
2000*** 1871,7250.0867%
1999*** 1701,8370.0946%
1998*** 1542,0330.1051%
1997*** 1522,0500.1076%
1996*** 1362,3640.1235%
1995*** 1332,3700.1235%
1994*** 1262,5310.1300%
1993*** 1282,6040.1323%
1992*** 1262,6700.1334%
1991*** 1182,7040.1331%
1990*** 1172,7900.1360%
1989*** 993,2290.1622%
1988*** 803,7620.1961%
1987*** 773,8370.2050%
1986*** 1012,7550.1496%
1985*** 1541,8420.0999%
1984*** 1501,9170.1065%
1983*** 1711,6100.0901%
1982*** 1641,7580.0971%
1981*** 1531,8420.1032%
1980*** 1541,8110.1019%
1979*** 1372,0690.1202%
1978*** 1451,9040.1160%
1977*** 1521,7740.1080%
1976*** 1571,6280.1037%
1975*** 1731,5020.0963%
1974*** 1781,4870.0950%
1973*** 2041,2630.0813%
1972*** 2001,3960.0866%
1971*** 2021,4770.0844%
1970*** 2661,1510.0629%
1969*** 3078680.0493%
1968*** 3316930.0406%
1967*** 3057960.0464%
1966*** 3317150.0407%
1965*** 4454530.0248%
1964*** 4913910.0200%
1963*** 4764110.0207%
1962*** 5063660.0181%
1961*** 5203510.0169%
1960*** 5862850.0137%
1959*** 6162600.0125%
1958*** 7001990.0096%
1957*** 6852090.0100%
1956*** 6252360.0115%
1955*** 8281360.0068%
1954*** 9071130.0057%
1953*** 8411220.0063%
1952*** 962960.0050%
1951*** 8781050.0057%
1950*** 935920.0052%
1948*** 982790.0045%
1947*** 911950.0052%
1946*** 949770.0048%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.