Baby Name Rankings of Kaylyn

Kaylyn: Statistics About The Baby Name Kaylyn

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2013*** 9802530.0133%
2012*** 9232750.0143%
2011*** 7743490.0182%
2010*** 7723510.0181%
2009*** 7034090.0204%
2008*** 7204090.0199%
2007*** 6424550.0218%
2006*** 6864060.0197%
2005*** 6644110.0206%
2004*** 6913880.0195%
2003*** 6464080.0205%
2002*** 6004300.0219%
2001*** 6433910.0198%
2000*** 5884370.0220%
1999*** 5684420.0228%
1998*** 5614370.0226%
1997*** 5194610.0242%
1996*** 5564190.0219%
1995*** 5464350.0227%
1994*** 5364590.0236%
1993*** 5903980.0202%
1992*** 5953840.0192%
1991*** 7242870.0141%
1990*** 6793140.0153%
1989*** 7442640.0133%
1988*** 8921960.0102%
1987*** 9841600.0085%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.