Baby Name Rankings of Kaylin

Kaylin: Statistics About The Baby Name Kaylin

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2019*** 9912590.0142%
2018*** 9382830.0153%
2017*** 9352810.0150%
2016*** 7953560.0185%
2015*** 6194640.0240%
2014*** 5475610.0289%
2013*** 4626580.0345%
2012*** 4686600.0343%
2011*** 4137640.0398%
2010*** 3997970.0411%
2009*** 3728590.0429%
2008*** 3778590.0418%
2007*** 3768560.0411%
2006*** 3997900.0384%
2005*** 4137440.0373%
2004*** 4306940.0349%
2003*** 4416770.0339%
2002*** 4795840.0297%
2001*** 4436240.0316%
2000*** 4476320.0318%
1999*** 4466000.0309%
1998*** 4415860.0303%
1997*** 4315930.0311%
1996*** 4834960.0259%
1995*** 4675400.0281%
1994*** 5344610.0237%
1993*** 5654190.0213%
1992*** 6783240.0162%
1991*** 7023020.0149%
1990*** 7182910.0142%
1989*** 7812470.0124%
1988*** 8582080.0108%
1987*** 9831600.0085%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.