Baby Name Rankings of Kaylee

Kaylee: Statistics About The Baby Name Kaylee

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 1801,6410.0938%
2022*** 1611,8140.1017%
2021*** 1391,9630.1103%
2020*** 1172,3290.1322%
2019*** 1142,5280.1387%
2018*** 972,9380.1591%
2017*** 843,3900.1808%
2016*** 713,8240.1983%
2015*** 614,3460.2246%
2014*** 524,5130.2328%
2013*** 415,0790.2660%
2012*** 345,5710.2899%
2011*** 365,9990.3124%
2010*** 356,0490.3116%
2009*** 267,1630.3578%
2008*** 316,2350.3034%
2007*** 365,9610.2860%
2006*** 425,9240.2880%
2005*** 415,7790.2901%
2004*** 505,3830.2710%
2003*** 535,4340.2725%
2002*** 574,9680.2527%
2001*** 664,6110.2336%
2000*** 724,4880.2256%
1999*** 694,5720.2354%
1998*** 863,8030.1966%
1997*** 1073,0540.1602%
1996*** 1102,8010.1463%
1995*** 1272,5140.1310%
1994*** 1542,1060.1082%
1993*** 1671,8820.0956%
1992*** 1741,7510.0875%
1991*** 1971,4940.0736%
1990*** 2341,2120.0591%
1989*** 2739840.0494%
1988*** 3137920.0413%
1987*** 3866050.0323%
1986*** 4414880.0265%
1985*** 7272370.0129%
1984*** 8261900.0106%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.