Baby Name Rankings of Karson

Karson: Statistics About The Baby Name Karson

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20233379840.0537% ***
20223399770.0524% ***
20213041,0860.0584% ***
20202641,2830.0696% ***
20192701,3170.0690% ***
20182651,3350.0692% ***
20172861,2560.0640% ***
20163181,0990.0545% ***
20152931,2180.0601% ***
20143301,0280.0506% ***
20133339660.0483% ***
20123638330.0415% ***
20113648050.0400% ***
20103797540.0371% ***
20094496100.0291% ***
20084875600.0260% ***
20075404670.0214% ***
20065564440.0206% ***
20055953720.0178% ***
20045993520.0169% ***
20036163360.0161% ***
20026792690.0131% ***
20017032540.0123% ***
20007252380.0114% ***
19999601500.0074% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.