Baby Name Rankings of Karlie

Karlie: Statistics About The Baby Name Karlie

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2017*** 9512760.0147%
2016*** 8573270.0170%
2015*** 8153410.0176%
2014*** 8853050.0157%
2013*** 9052800.0147%
2012*** 9442680.0139%
2011*** 9212790.0145%
2010*** 8063360.0173%
2009*** 9882650.0132%
2008*** 8003550.0173%
2007*** 7663750.0180%
2006*** 7643540.0172%
2005*** 6813990.0200%
2004*** 6114430.0223%
2003*** 6973740.0188%
2002*** 7043540.0180%
2001*** 6793670.0186%
2000*** 6703610.0181%
1999*** 6633450.0178%
1998*** 6014000.0207%
1997*** 6243590.0188%
1996*** 6193680.0192%
1995*** 6293460.0180%
1994*** 5953770.0194%
1993*** 6663290.0167%
1992*** 7202970.0148%
1991*** 8592330.0115%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.