Baby Name Rankings of Karley

Karley: Statistics About The Baby Name Karley

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2009*** 9862660.0133%
2008*** 9102990.0145%
2007*** 9003010.0144%
2006*** 9162850.0139%
2005*** 8183100.0156%
2004*** 8612810.0141%
2003*** 8362900.0145%
2002*** 9572320.0118%
2001*** 8592650.0134%
2000*** 8302690.0135%
1999*** 7662900.0149%
1998*** 7113110.0161%
1997*** 8092570.0135%
1996*** 7412850.0149%
1995*** 8602260.0118%
1994*** 7032980.0153%
1993*** 7532750.0140%
1992*** 7982530.0126%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.