Baby Name Rankings of Karina

Karina: Statistics About The Baby Name Karina

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 7683650.0209%
2022*** 7024160.0233%
2021*** 6754310.0242%
2020*** 6174720.0268%
2019*** 5705290.0290%
2018*** 6005040.0273%
2017*** 5465620.0300%
2016*** 4946280.0326%
2015*** 4626840.0353%
2014*** 4297360.0380%
2013*** 3867950.0416%
2012*** 3638510.0443%
2011*** 3379280.0483%
2010*** 2881,1050.0569%
2009*** 2931,1080.0553%
2008*** 2371,4310.0696%
2007*** 2171,5680.0752%
2006*** 2271,5070.0733%
2005*** 2121,6080.0807%
2004*** 1961,7200.0866%
2003*** 1691,9670.0986%
2002*** 1671,9500.0992%
2001*** 1661,9580.0992%
2000*** 1592,1290.1070%
1999*** 1352,3760.1223%
1998*** 1442,2340.1155%
1997*** 1322,3730.1245%
1996*** 1082,8610.1494%
1995*** 1092,9830.1555%
1994*** 1402,2650.1164%
1993*** 1432,1950.1115%
1992*** 1581,9490.0973%
1991*** 1661,7870.0880%
1990*** 1891,5590.0760%
1989*** 1821,5400.0774%
1988*** 2041,2830.0669%
1987*** 2888470.0453%
1986*** 3377180.0390%
1985*** 3496710.0364%
1984*** 3516550.0364%
1983*** 3506440.0360%
1982*** 3516650.0367%
1981*** 3576550.0367%
1980*** 3516730.0379%
1979*** 4185020.0292%
1978*** 4244780.0291%
1977*** 4754050.0246%
1976*** 5343280.0209%
1975*** 5902750.0176%
1974*** 7102050.0131%
1973*** 7561800.0116%
1972*** 7961710.0106%
1971*** 8701540.0088%
1970*** 8821510.0082%
1969*** 9911190.0068%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.