Baby Name Rankings of Kane

Kane: Statistics About The Baby Name Kane

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20233997920.0433% ***
20223609070.0487% ***
20213299930.0534% ***
20203389600.0521% ***
20193349970.0522% ***
20183191,0480.0543% ***
20173529400.0479% ***
20164037900.0392% ***
20154307080.0349% ***
20144775900.0291% ***
20135414840.0242% ***
20125454760.0237% ***
20115055100.0253% ***
20105594460.0219% ***
20095025320.0254% ***
20084396480.0301% ***
20076343760.0172% ***
20067013080.0143% ***
20057162780.0133% ***
20046972740.0132% ***
20036952730.0131% ***
20026383030.0147% ***
20016083210.0156% ***
20005943320.0159% ***
19995943220.0158% ***
19985633490.0172% ***
19976422590.0130% ***
19966582530.0126% ***
19956462590.0129% ***
19946282760.0136% ***
19937332010.0097% ***
19889201080.0054% ***
1987977940.0048% ***
1986983880.0046% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.