Baby Name Rankings of Justus

Justus: Statistics About The Baby Name Justus

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20189722120.0110% ***
20169202330.0115% ***
20158662560.0126% ***
20148192740.0135% ***
20138112660.0133% ***
20127922830.0141% ***
20118572470.0123% ***
20108532470.0121% ***
20097832860.0136% ***
20088032690.0125% ***
20077472940.0135% ***
20067432820.0131% ***
20057372680.0128% ***
20047342520.0121% ***
20037792230.0107% ***
20026462960.0144% ***
20016922600.0126% ***
20006952540.0122% ***
19996722520.0124% ***
19987182300.0114% ***
19976892330.0117% ***
19966652480.0124% ***
19957252170.0108% ***
19948441610.0079% ***
190396270.0054% ***
190181580.0069% ***
188588460.0052% ***
188491860.0049% ***
188267690.0074% ***
188194850.0046% ***
1880589110.0093% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.