Baby Name Rankings of Junius

Junius: Statistics About The Baby Name Junius

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1950839660.0036% ***
1948863630.0035% ***
1947943560.0030% ***
1944954460.0033% ***
1943865590.0041% ***
1942863580.0041% ***
1940974440.0037% ***
1939925460.0041% ***
1938888500.0044% ***
1937796600.0055% ***
1936840530.0050% ***
1935860530.0050% ***
1934723720.0068% ***
1933698740.0073% ***
1932749700.0065% ***
1931670800.0075% ***
1930694820.0073% ***
19295711090.0099% ***
19285891110.0097% ***
19275931090.0094% ***
19265381280.0112% ***
19254951520.0132% ***
19245461330.0114% ***
19235551260.0111% ***
19225411340.0119% ***
19215651250.0110% ***
19204951490.0135% ***
19195461210.0119% ***
19185341280.0122% ***
19175491150.0120% ***
19164821390.0151% ***
19155191160.0132% ***
1914541830.0122% ***
1913510710.0133% ***
1912503610.0135% ***
1911510340.0141% ***
1910418420.0202% ***
1909449320.0181% ***
1908391360.0217% ***
1907412310.0196% ***
1906469230.0160% ***
1905487220.0154% ***
1904439240.0173% ***
1903637130.0100% ***
1902432230.0173% ***
1901401220.0190% ***
1900400320.0197% ***
1899370250.0217% ***
1898463200.0151% ***
1897466180.0148% ***
1896346310.0240% ***
1895405230.0182% ***
1894345280.0224% ***
1893378230.0190% ***
1892350290.0221% ***
1891336260.0238% ***
1890473160.0134% ***
1889476160.0134% ***
1888514150.0115% ***
1887446150.0137% ***
1886528130.0109% ***
1885590110.0095% ***
1884479160.0130% ***
1883388200.0178% ***
1882374230.0188% ***
1881357220.0203% ***
1880367220.0186% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.