Baby Name Rankings of Julianne

Julianne: Statistics About The Baby Name Julianne

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2016*** 9192990.0155%
2015*** 8983040.0157%
2014*** 9012990.0154%
2013*** 8193250.0170%
2012*** 8253220.0168%
2011*** 7683510.0183%
2010*** 7653550.0183%
2009*** 6304720.0236%
2008*** 6934320.0210%
2007*** 8473320.0159%
2006*** 8842970.0144%
2005*** 7553460.0174%
2004*** 6344230.0213%
2003*** 5425120.0257%
2002*** 5744530.0230%
2001*** 5564660.0236%
2000*** 5155100.0256%
1999*** 5164940.0254%
1998*** 4106570.0340%
1997*** 5184610.0242%
1996*** 5374360.0228%
1995*** 5174670.0243%
1994*** 5464450.0229%
1993*** 5124810.0244%
1992*** 4505560.0278%
1991*** 4176110.0301%
1990*** 4445580.0272%
1989*** 3736800.0342%
1988*** 3846210.0324%
1987*** 4435000.0267%
1986*** 3865950.0323%
1985*** 3646410.0348%
1984*** 4534570.0254%
1983*** 7022430.0136%
1982*** 5703210.0177%
1981*** 6372780.0156%
1980*** 6692630.0148%
1979*** 7602120.0123%
1978*** 6482500.0152%
1977*** 6932260.0138%
1976*** 6612310.0147%
1975*** 6412390.0153%
1974*** 5822720.0174%
1973*** 5532980.0192%
1972*** 5023490.0217%
1971*** 5103680.0210%
1970*** 4834160.0227%
1969*** 4514560.0259%
1968*** 4694190.0245%
1967*** 4793930.0229%
1966*** 4544290.0244%
1965*** 4394630.0253%
1964*** 5003800.0194%
1963*** 4744150.0209%
1962*** 4814020.0198%
1961*** 4834020.0194%
1960*** 5363250.0156%
1959*** 5123630.0175%
1958*** 5083590.0174%
1957*** 4973620.0173%
1956*** 5532880.0140%
1955*** 5452860.0143%
1954*** 5123020.0152%
1953*** 5092850.0148%
1952*** 5402510.0132%
1951*** 5452390.0130%
1950*** 5342420.0138%
1949*** 5402380.0136%
1948*** 5062600.0149%
1947*** 5892080.0115%
1946*** 5721940.0121%
1945*** 5311880.0140%
1944*** 6221390.0102%
1943*** 5531860.0130%
1942*** 5451860.0134%
1941*** 5811450.0116%
1940*** 6091320.0112%
1939*** 6491110.0098%
1938*** 6441130.0099%
1937*** 889610.0055%
1936*** 800710.0066%
1935*** 843670.0062%
1934*** 850650.0060%
1933*** 780720.0069%
1932*** 926580.0052%
1931*** 800720.0065%
1930*** 901650.0056%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.