Baby Name Rankings of Jude

Jude: Statistics About The Baby Name Jude

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20231612,2580.1233% ***
20221612,2880.1228% ***
20211502,4910.1339% ***
20201542,4280.1317% ***
20191532,5270.1324% ***
20181572,4680.1280% ***
20171572,4930.1270% ***
20161602,5110.1244% ***
20151562,6360.1301% ***
20141622,5640.1263% ***
20131622,4860.1243% ***
20121622,4560.1222% ***
20111552,4500.1217% ***
20101702,2700.1116% ***
20091822,0670.0986% ***
20082241,6500.0767% ***
20072971,1430.0524% ***
20063309590.0445% ***
20053061,0590.0507% ***
20043757330.0352% ***
20034445610.0269% ***
20025304220.0205% ***
20015863400.0165% ***
20006802610.0125% ***
19999521520.0075% ***
199710001280.0064% ***
19969411380.0069% ***
19869131010.0053% ***
1984977830.0044% ***
19828971000.0053% ***
1981907970.0052% ***
1980947900.0049% ***
1979926900.0050% ***
1978956820.0048% ***
19777981150.0067% ***
19767281320.0081% ***
19758071070.0066% ***
19747201290.0079% ***
19737301210.0075% ***
19726711430.0086% ***
19717051370.0076% ***
19706781470.0077% ***
19696671400.0077% ***
1968814830.0047% ***
1967850710.0040% ***
1966897650.0036% ***
1965793880.0046% ***
19647441070.0053% ***
1963847800.0039% ***
1962772970.0046% ***
19617651020.0047% ***
19607371100.0051% ***
1959777970.0045% ***
1958779920.0043% ***
1957804880.0040% ***
1955951620.0030% ***
1954963590.0029% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.