Baby Name Rankings of Jovanni

Jovanni: Statistics About The Baby Name Jovanni

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20238932580.0141% ***
20228792690.0144% ***
20219202450.0132% ***
20209652240.0121% ***
20199652200.0115% ***
20179872070.0105% ***
20149432230.0110% ***
20138612460.0123% ***
20127343130.0156% ***
20118382550.0127% ***
20108192590.0127% ***
20097602960.0141% ***
20089072240.0104% ***
20078472440.0112% ***
20067762630.0122% ***
20057852430.0116% ***
20048891920.0092% ***
20039151800.0086% ***
20029941560.0076% ***
200110001520.0074% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.