Baby Name Rankings of Jovani

Jovani: Statistics About The Baby Name Jovani

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20159632140.0106% ***
20149202310.0114% ***
20139202210.0110% ***
20128052750.0137% ***
20117682900.0144% ***
20107642900.0143% ***
20096933450.0165% ***
20087832770.0129% ***
20077652830.0130% ***
20066943160.0147% ***
20057352700.0129% ***
20047592380.0114% ***
20037832220.0106% ***
20027952160.0105% ***
20017362360.0115% ***
20008771790.0086% ***
19999451540.0076% ***
19989631440.0071% ***
19979551400.0070% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.