Baby Name Rankings of Josiah

Josiah: Statistics About The Baby Name Josiah

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023535,4040.2951% ***
2022515,7630.3092% ***
2021496,0650.3260% ***
2020496,1220.3320% ***
2019456,7670.3545% ***
2018536,6030.3423% ***
2017516,9760.3553% ***
2016556,9710.3455% ***
2015576,6050.3259% ***
2014646,3760.3141% ***
2013696,2230.3111% ***
2012795,4370.2705% ***
2011805,2070.2587% ***
2010775,1380.2526% ***
2009874,9320.2353% ***
2008964,6770.2175% ***
20071064,1420.1900% ***
20061173,5680.1655% ***
20051263,1780.1523% ***
20041442,7220.1309% ***
20031532,6610.1274% ***
20021542,5510.1240% ***
20011692,2270.1081% ***
20001822,0190.0970% ***
19991951,7260.0849% ***
19982121,5170.0750% ***
19972231,3750.0689% ***
19962401,2380.0619% ***
19952771,0070.0501% ***
19942989140.0449% ***
19933088820.0428% ***
19923247770.0371% ***
19913347330.0346% ***
19903566750.0314% ***
19893805860.0280% ***
19883685440.0272% ***
19873844980.0256% ***
19863784870.0254% ***
19853704970.0259% ***
19843754700.0251% ***
19834054040.0217% ***
19824363690.0196% ***
19814992820.0152% ***
19805372540.0137% ***
19795782180.0122% ***
19786681560.0092% ***
19776801550.0091% ***
19767501230.0075% ***
1975890860.0053% ***
1916967440.0048% ***
1914977330.0048% ***
1912719360.0080% ***
1907906100.0063% ***
190688990.0062% ***
190492780.0058% ***
1903636130.0100% ***
189982780.0069% ***
189878190.0068% ***
1896657120.0093% ***
189593770.0055% ***
1894582130.0104% ***
1893441180.0149% ***
1892532150.0114% ***
189167290.0082% ***
1890620110.0092% ***
1889512140.0118% ***
1888494160.0123% ***
1887445150.0137% ***
1886389210.0176% ***
1885453170.0147% ***
1884379220.0179% ***
1883490140.0124% ***
1882367240.0197% ***
1881339240.0222% ***
1880338260.0220% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.