Baby Name Rankings of Jonathon

Jonathon: Statistics About The Baby Name Jonathon

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20169902050.0102% ***
20158802510.0124% ***
20148372650.0131% ***
20137922820.0141% ***
20126523620.0180% ***
20116123900.0194% ***
20105324820.0237% ***
20095035290.0252% ***
20084536060.0282% ***
20074117010.0322% ***
20063767860.0365% ***
20053318990.0431% ***
20043318980.0432% ***
20032921,0570.0506% ***
20022691,1560.0562% ***
20012531,3160.0639% ***
20002261,4910.0716% ***
19992081,6420.0807% ***
19981951,7330.0856% ***
19971801,8420.0924% ***
19961711,9720.0986% ***
19951661,9720.0982% ***
19941542,1950.1078% ***
19931442,3150.1122% ***
19921362,4690.1178% ***
19911252,5950.1226% ***
19901242,6680.1242% ***
19891282,5320.1210% ***
19881252,3290.1166% ***
19871322,1130.1085% ***
19861302,1020.1096% ***
19851392,0300.1057% ***
19841431,8650.0996% ***
19831601,6920.0910% ***
19821531,8220.0968% ***
19811621,6430.0884% ***
19801711,4250.0770% ***
19792241,0160.0568% ***
19782408770.0514% ***
19772448400.0492% ***
19762547750.0475% ***
19752657340.0453% ***
19742976280.0386% ***
19732766590.0409% ***
19723235580.0334% ***
19713235750.0317% ***
19703535250.0276% ***
19693934050.0222% ***
19684253300.0186% ***
19674462860.0161% ***
19664872460.0135% ***
19654952380.0126% ***
19645132320.0115% ***
19635182390.0116% ***
19625392160.0103% ***
19616051710.0079% ***
19606201570.0073% ***
19596941220.0056% ***
19586491410.0066% ***
19575851700.0078% ***
19565891650.0077% ***
19555991500.0072% ***
19546381330.0064% ***
19536621140.0057% ***
1952743900.0046% ***
1951755850.0045% ***
1950744850.0047% ***
1949890600.0033% ***
1948920560.0032% ***
1947956550.0030% ***
1946894540.0033% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.