Baby Name Rankings of Jolene

Jolene: Statistics About The Baby Name Jolene

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 5485490.0314%
2022*** 4856450.0361%
2021*** 4566820.0383%
2020*** 4746460.0367%
2019*** 4496880.0377%
2018*** 4556880.0373%
2017*** 4566870.0366%
2016*** 5715420.0281%
2015*** 7353810.0197%
2014*** 7203850.0199%
2013*** 9262720.0142%
2012*** 8912930.0152%
2011*** 9152810.0146%
2010*** 9702610.0134%
1993*** 9242060.0105%
1991*** 8502350.0116%
1990*** 7942520.0123%
1989*** 7212750.0138%
1988*** 5563860.0201%
1987*** 5643540.0189%
1986*** 5533670.0199%
1985*** 4724470.0242%
1984*** 3955440.0302%
1983*** 3426730.0377%
1982*** 3167680.0424%
1981*** 3157550.0423%
1980*** 3357180.0404%
1979*** 3875670.0329%
1978*** 3426320.0385%
1977*** 3207380.0449%
1976*** 3017640.0486%
1975*** 2481,0000.0641%
1974*** 2451,0520.0672%
1973*** 5662910.0187%
1972*** 6022650.0164%
1971*** 5573200.0183%
1970*** 5133820.0209%
1969*** 5133630.0206%
1968*** 4983810.0223%
1967*** 4813880.0226%
1966*** 4494350.0248%
1965*** 4484510.0247%
1964*** 4464780.0244%
1963*** 4195340.0269%
1962*** 3955820.0287%
1961*** 3786510.0314%
1960*** 4275230.0252%
1959*** 3955720.0275%
1958*** 3646250.0303%
1957*** 3686090.0290%
1956*** 4084940.0240%
1955*** 3835310.0265%
1954*** 3894920.0247%
1953*** 4443760.0195%
1952*** 4423780.0199%
1951*** 4243870.0210%
1950*** 4283530.0201%
1949*** 4583090.0176%
1948*** 4752830.0163%
1947*** 4713030.0167%
1946*** 4942480.0154%
1945*** 5231950.0145%
1944*** 5072020.0148%
1943*** 5641790.0125%
1942*** 5002220.0160%
1941*** 4792130.0171%
1940*** 5081860.0157%
1939*** 4921850.0163%
1938*** 5381600.0140%
1937*** 5761370.0124%
1936*** 726840.0078%
1935*** 692930.0086%
1934*** 719860.0080%
1933*** 710840.0080%
1932*** 826690.0062%
1931*** 947540.0049%
1929*** 936590.0051%
1928*** 998560.0047%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.