Baby Name Rankings of Johnna

Johnna: Statistics About The Baby Name Johnna

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1989*** 9661800.0090%
1988*** 9081900.0099%
1987*** 9891590.0085%
1986*** 8971820.0099%
1984*** 9891460.0081%
1983*** 9221610.0090%
1982*** 9371600.0088%
1981*** 8731760.0099%
1980*** 9221620.0091%
1979*** 9151620.0094%
1977*** 8341790.0109%
1976*** 9111440.0092%
1975*** 8171670.0107%
1974*** 7951710.0109%
1973*** 8641490.0096%
1972*** 7301930.0120%
1971*** 7721880.0107%
1970*** 7022230.0122%
1969*** 6792140.0121%
1968*** 6532210.0129%
1967*** 6712050.0119%
1966*** 6702110.0120%
1965*** 6552250.0123%
1964*** 5173590.0183%
1963*** 3876170.0310%
1962*** 6272590.0128%
1961*** 4424890.0236%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.