Baby Name Rankings of Joey

Joey: Statistics About The Baby Name Joey

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20239092530.0138% ***
20228942600.0140% ***
20219162470.0133% ***
20208932520.0137% ***
20197763010.0158% ***
20187423180.0165% ***
20177882950.0150% ***
20166953540.0175% ***
20157583140.0155% ***
20146863640.0179% ***
20136443770.0188% ***
20126104000.0199% ***
20116054040.0201% ***
20106144000.0197% ***
20096154030.0192% ***
20085744420.0206% ***
20075424660.0214% ***
20065374630.0215% ***
20055104730.0227% ***
20044934940.0238% ***
20034984910.0235% ***
20025094470.0217% ***
20015184330.0210% ***
20004874770.0229% ***
19994914470.0220% ***
19985194000.0198% ***
19974874400.0221% ***
19964614690.0234% ***
19954485090.0253% ***
19944135530.0272% ***
19933596540.0317% ***
19924025710.0272% ***
19913626510.0308% ***
19903526830.0318% ***
19893696040.0289% ***
19883436170.0309% ***
19872997210.0370% ***
19863096540.0341% ***
19852737630.0397% ***
19842807400.0395% ***
19832617910.0425% ***
19822311,0020.0532% ***
19812251,0670.0574% ***
19802121,1500.0622% ***
19792151,0920.0611% 8831720.0100%
19782071,0720.0629% 9491480.0090%
19771951,2110.0710% 7651980.0120%
19761931,1600.0712% 7212030.0129%
19752478410.0519% 6722240.0144%
19742398540.0525% 6592310.0148%
19732408740.0542% 7072080.0134%
19722369070.0542% 7561850.0115%
19712191,0700.0590% 8261670.0095%
19702171,1390.0599% 7451980.0108%
19692101,1930.0652% 8841420.0081%
19682091,1080.0624% 8481450.0085%
19672091,0700.0602% ***
19662171,0280.0566% ***
19652141,1200.0591% ***
19642031,3630.0673% ***
19632071,3850.0671% ***
19621971,5310.0729% ***
19612201,2530.0582% ***
19602301,2030.0556% ***
19592401,1240.0519% ***
19582371,0680.0497% ***
19572401,0310.0472% ***
19562399440.0441% ***
19552706950.0333% ***
19543245010.0242% ***
19533833280.0164% ***
19524522440.0124% ***
19514791990.0105% ***
19504921860.0102% ***
19495381530.0085% ***
19485351540.0087% ***
19475171720.0093% ***
19465821220.0074% ***
19455451200.0088% ***
19445251340.0097% ***
19435441320.0091% ***
1942655960.0068% ***
1941869530.0042% ***
1940776640.0054% ***
1939895490.0043% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.