Baby Name Rankings of Joelle

Joelle: Statistics About The Baby Name Joelle

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 9362820.0161%
2022*** 7833610.0202%
2021*** 7313870.0217%
2020*** 7633560.0202%
2019*** 7034100.0225%
2018*** 6974130.0224%
2017*** 6714350.0232%
2016*** 7803620.0188%
2004*** 9322560.0129%
2003*** 9002630.0132%
2002*** 9182420.0123%
2001*** 9462330.0118%
2000*** 9042410.0121%
1999*** 8582520.0130%
1998*** 8362540.0131%
1997*** 8182520.0132%
1996*** 8472350.0123%
1995*** 8112440.0127%
1994*** 7952560.0132%
1993*** 8672230.0113%
1992*** 9122140.0107%
1991*** 8272480.0122%
1990*** 7922530.0123%
1989*** 7892420.0122%
1988*** 7822400.0125%
1987*** 6522880.0154%
1986*** 6492840.0154%
1985*** 6672720.0148%
1984*** 8011980.0110%
1983*** 9171620.0091%
1982*** 9091660.0092%
1981*** 9341600.0090%
1980*** 8681770.0100%
1979*** 8991660.0096%
1978*** 8251810.0110%
1977*** 8571710.0104%
1976*** 8651570.0100%
1975*** 7851790.0115%
1974*** 8181650.0105%
1973*** 8251590.0102%
1972*** 7341910.0118%
1971*** 7242100.0120%
1970*** 5852990.0163%
1969*** 5523200.0182%
1968*** 4913890.0228%
1967*** 4943740.0218%
1966*** 4684060.0231%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.